Executive Director – Jean Saunders
Jean has been involved with Age Friendly Saco since former Mayor Ron Michaud presented a proclamation to the City Council early in his tenure to make the City of Saco an Age Friendly community. This started the process of creating a Steering Committee, formulating an Action Plan and engaging volunteers. In addition to this, Jean has been a member of the UMaine Center on Aging Lifelong Communities Advisory Group. A group dedicated to help guide the Center on Aging’s work with Lifelong Communities . ….read more about Jean Saunders
Board of Directors
The Age Friendly Saco Board of Directors meets quarterly to ensure that our initiatives and finances support our important mission. Board members bring a variety of backgrounds and skills to this important role, including representatives from the Saco’s City Council and Recreation Department.
Please click here to Meet our Directors..
Operations Team

The “OPS Team” includes the leaders and coordinators of the older residents programs offered by Age Friendly Saco, including the office of Age Friendly Saco.
The Team members are all volunteers with varying educational and employment backgrounds and have one thing in common; striving to create “A community for a Lifetime”.
The purpose of the “OPS Team” is to collaborate with each of the program leaders in helping to achieve the best possible benefit for older residents that the programs are designed for.
The Executive Director and Operations Manager help the leadership of each program achieve these goals.
“I can do things you cannot; you can do things I cannot,
Together, we can do Great Things.”
*Mother Teresa